April 12, 2013 Seminar

April 12, 2013 Seminar: Designing technologies that scaffold and assess students’ use of visual evidence during science inquiry.

 BMC and the Department of Biology welcome

Camillia Matuk
Postdoctoral Scholar, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley
A candidate for the research-stream position in Biomedical Communications/Biology.

Camillia’s curriculum platform: http://wise.berkeley.edu/

April 12, 2013
Council Chambers, DV 3130
11 am to 12 pm

Learning biology can be challenging because many phenomena are beyond students’ everyday experiences. Although well-designed visualizations can help, students must develop fluency with visual information, which involves creating informed expectations, noticing relevant details, and documenting observations. But how can we support the development of these complex skills? And how can we assess them? In this presentation, I describe two tools integrated into a web-based learning environment, and designed for middle school students to track and distinguish their understanding toward building evidence-based explanations of cell processes. Through classroom trials, I explore how features of these tools capture nuanced information on students’ learning that supports metacognition as well as instruction and assessment. Throughout, I demonstrate how an iterative approach to design as a participatory and reflective process not only informs design revisions, but also reveals more about how students learn and collaborate during science inquiry.


For more information, please contact:

Maeve Doyle
Tel 905 569 4849