Application Process — Master of Science in Biomedical Communication

Application Process

We recommend reading this section in its entirety before beginning your application.

Application to the Master of Science in Biomedical Communications requires:

School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Application

Applications to the BMC program must be submitted to SGS through the online admissions application, which is housed on a secure server in the University of Toronto.

If you are a first-time applicant, click the link to Create an Account to begin your application. You will receive a verification code via email as part of the account creation process. After entering your verification code, you will create a password for your account.

  • You may save and return to the application at any point in the process.

  • For "Graduate Unit," select the Institute of Medical Science.

  • For "Program of Study," select MSc in Biomedical Communications.

  • To view the status of your application, including outstanding requirements, please log in to your account.

  • After paying your application fee, you can continue to upload application materials including unofficial transcripts, a letter of intent and art samples through your applicant portal.

Application Materials

Applicants must upload the following supporting documents to the SGS online application:


Upload unofficial transcripts electronically to the SGS online application. Include a legend to your university’s grading scheme with the unofficial transcript. Official transcripts of successful applicants will be requested after admission decisions have been made. You do not need to send an official transcript at the time of application.

We cannot accept official transcripts from applicants. If we request official transcripts, they must be sent directly from your university to the BMC program. Hard copies of official transcripts can be mailed to:

Graduate Program Administrator
MSc in Biomedical Communications
University of Toronto
HB 308, 3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6

Digital official transcripts can be sent from your university to:

References (updated March 4, 2024)

The Institute of Medical Science requires two academic letters of reference. The two references must be from university faculty who know you well enough to comment on your strengths and abilities. The referees must have been faculty members during the time they are commenting on. If you have research experience, you should consider including a reference from your research supervisor.

Ineligible academic referees include:

Adjunct Professor
MD without a university faculty appointment
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Assistant/Associate
Sessional Lecturer
Teaching Assistant

However, you can submit an optional third reference. This reference can also be from a faculty member, or it can be from a non-faculty member who can speak to your strengths and abilities such as work ethic, leadership, research, collaborative or interpersonal skills. It is highly recommended that MScBMC applicants submit a third reference.

Eligible referees for a third letter of reference include:

Art Instructor
Adjunct Professor
Job Manager
Lab Manager
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sessional Lecturer

After referees have been added to your SGS online application, they will receive instructions from the application system for submitting their letters of reference.


Upload a current copy of your resumé or CV to the online application.

Letter of Intent

Upload a one-page statement describing your interest in Biomedical Communications. Reflect upon the portfolio you are submitting. Tell us how this artwork, and your education, prepare you for the program.

Portfolio of Art

A portfolio of approximately 12 to 20 original images must be uploaded to your applicant port. To learn more about the portfolio and submission requirements refer to the portfolio page.

Application Fee

BMC will consider your complete application only after you have paid the School of Graduate Studies’ application fee.

Payment of your application fee can be completed online by using VISA or MasterCard. This secure payment method is handled by Mirapay, a third party authorized by VISA and MasterCard. Mirapay provides SGS with payment confirmation only. Please note that the process requires that popup blockers on your web browser be disabled. If you are unable to pay by credit card you may print an invoice from the application and mail it to SGS with a certified cheque made payable to the School of Graduate Studies.

Proceed to the SGS online admissions application.

What’s next?

The BMC Admissions Committee will review complete applications immediately after the application deadline. Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted via e-mail. Applicants who do not receive an email, have not been selected for an interview. Read more about the interview.