Sam Bond, Unity game developer and Certified Medical Illustrator
What You're Doing Wrong (in the Unity Game Engine)!
Have you ever wanted to use the Unity game engine but felt too overwhelmed to get started?
Have you used Unity and felt frustrated by the enormous documentation or the convoluted internet-forum troubleshooting?
In this talk, I will discuss the Unity game engine from a complete beginner’s perspective: the vocabulary needed to discuss the program, the potential products you can create in your first month working with Unity, and the six things you might be doing wrong when getting started! Whether you’ve always been too intimidated to download Unity, or you’ve been working with it under frustration for years, attendees should expect to gain an understanding of Unity’s potential in visualization and some pro tips and tricks to keep your beginner experiences flowing smoothly!
Date and Time:
Friday, April 21, 2023
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET
One-hour presentation including Q&A.
Register here:
2023 BMC Speaker Series 2023 full program:
Sam Bond is a Certified Medical Illustrator and Unity game developer who strives to create meaningful and intentional educational experiences. After earning her BFA at the University of Georgia and her MS at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in Biomedical Visualization (BVIS), Sam worked to develop engaging interactive tools, apps, and illustrations for UIC’s Physical Therapy department. At this time, she also joined the UIC BVIS faculty and helped to redesign the curriculum to incorporate a focus on serious games. While creating award-winning interactive and illustration, Sam has also served on the Chicago chapter’s Board of the International Game Developer’s Association, and has earned status as Fellow of the Association of Medical Illustrators. To offset any cognitive stress, Sam unwinds by spending time with orange kitty, Adjunct Professor* Sweet Baby Ray.
*We did not actually hire a cat as a professor, this is just a joke.