2025 Vesalius Trust Scholar–Molly Wells

Second year MScBMC student Molly Wells was named a 2025 Vesalius Trust Scholar for her master's research project Gully Deep Dive. Gully Deep Dive is an online interactive multi-media learning resource for high school students.

Congratulations Molly Wells on being named a 2025 Vesalius Trust Scholar.

Molly is a second-year graduate student in the Master of Science in Biomedical Communications at the University of Toronto. She received a Vesalius Trust scholarship for her master's research project Gully Deep Dive.

The Gully is a marine protected area 200 kilometres off the coast of Nova Scotia. Formed hundreds of thousands of years ago, the deep sea canyon's ecosystem is home to the endangered Northern bottlenose whale and a habitat for a wide variety of species.

Molly is developing an online interactive multi-media learning resource for the Gully. Designed for a high school audience, Gully Deep Dive will take students on a submarine simulation from the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean to the bottom of the deep submarine canyon–and out again.

The interactive learning resource will show students the marine life that calls the Gully home, what makes the deep-sea canyon so special, and how regulations protect the Gully while still allowing people to enjoy the ocean in a sustainable way.

The Vesalius Trust awards scholarships and research grants to students who have completed one year of curriculum in accredited medical illustration programs. These competitive awards are based on scholastic achievement and research project merit.


Vesalius Trust web site: https://vesaliustrust.org

Molly’s online presence:

Online Portfolio: https://www.mollywellsart.ca/science-visuals.html

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/molly-wells-123064151/

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Molly-Wells-4

Instagram: @mollywellsart