BMC alum creates captivating cover for OVPRI's annual report

Naomi Wee, MScBMC Class of '24, brought research to life through art as the cover illustrator for Synergy, the Office of the Vice Principal, Research and Innovation's 2024 annual report.

Her illustration–a building constructed from books–depicts the dynamism and diversity of research at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Each "floor" highlights a key seasonal event:

Top Floor (Summer): The INSPIRE program, which prepares top science students for graduate studies, and SURF, the Summer Undergraduate Research Fair;

Middle Floor (Fall): The Celebration of Books, which showcases works authored and edited by UTM scholars;

Bottom Floor (Winter): The Research Excellence Prizes, which honour the achievements of early-career researchers in the Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences; and the Annual Research Excellence Lecture.

Naomi says that this was an incredible opportunity to collaborate with the OVPRI's communications team who "gave me full creative freedom over the project. As a medical illustrator, it was really interesting to think about how we can depict different research disciplines that don’t necessarily involve biology or chemistry."

Naomi Wee is a medical illustrator at


Web sites referenced

Naomi Wee's online portfolio

Synergy, OVPRI 2024 Annual Report