Guest User June 25, 2019 Body Language : the rise of the Biomedical Visualization via A/D/O Guest User June 25, 2019 Naveen Devasagayam, Science Vis Lab. “From Leonardo Da Vinci to augmented reality, the visual depictions of medicine and the complexities of the human body have evolved immensely, due in part to the growth of parallel design industries – illustration, graphic design, animation, 3D modeling and software engineering – as well as research advances in the fields of ethnography, psychology, and of course, medicine. Artists since the time of Da Vinci have continuously lent their hand and talent to the depiction of medical environments and phenomena, and today, thanks to advanced rendering tools and visualization techniques, medical imagery has the ability to empower and engage its audiences in completely new ways, while communicating complex happenings in ways that are easier to digest and respond to.” — Chloé Vadot - A/D/O Read Full Article