The Abominable Snafu arrives! Supporting the Vesalius Trust

BeastMC creature saying "Hello BeastMC fans!"

This year the Vesalius Trust, the organization that provides research and scholarship funding to students involved in the visual communication of science, is holding a Crowdrise competition to raise funds for their scholarship programs. Each accredited graduate program has a team of faculty and students concocting a beast, and the teams will create a 6-page comic featuring the beast live, in front of a crowd, at this summer’s Association of Medical Illustrator’s Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our team is called BeastMC, and consists of Alexander Young, Jenny Chin, Amy, Cao, Colleen Tang Poy, Michael Corrin, and Nicholas Woolridge.

Our entry is The Abominable Snafu! representing the Master of Science in Biomedical Communications program.

Just what is the The Abominable Snafu? It embodies the fears of illustrators on a deadline everywhere. Inconvenient ink splats? Issues with weights? Spinning beach ball or blue screen of death? You name it, this creature feeds off medical illustrator stress hormones. Normally just innocuous or pesky, it can grow to terrifying size just before a deadline. Defeating the Abominable Snafu is a high priority for all medical illustrators! This particular subspecies originates in Canada, identifiable by its Canadian Goose feet and slushy snowy body—a staple of its Toronto habitat. 

Creating an exciting tale using the Abominable Snafu is our way of giving back to the Vesalius Trust for supporting our students—and those from the other accredited programs—over the years; please help us give back and donate to our campaign, or that of one of the other programs (UIC, JHU, and Augusta)!