SciViz communications skills workshop for biology graduate students: Improve your scientific figures with vector illustration software

The UTM Biology Graduate Student Society is holding a visual communications skills workshop.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
1 to 4 p.m. ET
Room 3160 CCT Building, UTM

Make better charts, diagrams, cladograms and posters using Adobe Illustrator and/or Affinity Designer.

Space limited so REGISTER to attend!


Your host Dave Mazierski is an expert in image creation, vector graphics and medical illustration. He is the creator of hundreds of medical and scientific illustrations for books, posters and education.

A faculty member in the Master of Science in Biomedical Communications program, Dave teaches human anatomy, traditional medical illustration techniques, 2D digital illustration with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, applied art in pathology, and the history of medical illustration.